UPS Monitoring IoT Platform

Business continuity is highly dependent on the availability of power. The UPS Monitoring IoT Platform, one of IoTBlitz's flagship platforms, offers you unparalleled control over your UPS systems. It provides the peace of mind that comes with dealing with issues proactively before they escalate.

Our IoT platform doesn't just offer proactive alerts about UPS health; it also keeps you informed about the state of the batteries, voltage, battery percentage, and physical and environmental conditions. This comprehensive coverage ensures you're always well-informed and can avoid future complications that may affect your operations. 

We create an IoT system to gather current information regarding battery health, power input/output, voltage input/output, and environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity.

This means that you can have an overall view of your UPS's general health or focus on one UPS or across your entire UPS portfolio from an easy-to-use console. The approach detects specific problems at the early stages, including low battery capacity, variations of input voltage, and internal heat in the UPS unit.

Access to such real-time information enables proactive UPS management. By analyzing data, you can plan preventive maintenance before failures, reduce downtime, and enhance the life of the UPS systems. Our platform facilitates this process of proactive management, providing the necessary data and tools for effective decision-making.

The UPS Monitoring IoT Platform of IoTBlitz is designed with flexibility in mind, allowing it to respond to customers’ demands. Our solution is easy to expand, making it simple to integrate more UPS units or connect new equipment for growing businesses. This way, you can sustain the advantages offered by our platform in correlation with evolving UPS structures.

Our platform is designed to predict problems and equipment malfunctions, which are typical for industrial processes. This proactive approach ensures that UPS systems are serviced before issues escalate, giving you a sense of preparedness and control.

By avoiding the times when the power supply might be interrupted and ensuring that the UPS system is in the best shape possible, IoTBlitz helps reduce inactivity, safeguard equipment, and shield your processes from undesired interruptions.


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